Aerial photography with further processing of the acquired data is the optimal opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about the condition of linear and areal objects.
By shooting with a professional full-frame camera, you can get images with maximum sharpness and clarity.
As a result of aerial photography and data processing, you will receive:
— Orthophoto with a final resolution of 1 cm per pixel for creating maps and plans of scales 1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000, etc. Geotiff, jpg, png, GoogleEarth KML \ KMZ formats;
— Point cloud. It is a set of points on the surface of the terrain and objects. It is used to build 3D models and determine any geometric parameters of objects — distances, sizes, heights, etc. Formats: Wavefront OBJ, Stanford PLY, XYZ text file format, ASPRS LAS, LAZ, ASTM E57, ASCII PTS, Autodesk DXF, U3D, potree, Cesium 3D Tiles, Agisoft OC3, Topcon CL3, Adobe PDF ;
— Digital terrain model. Contains information about the relief of the earth’s surface, taking into account the objects that are on it: vegetation, buildings, etc. Geotiff or kmz formats;
— Digital elevation model. It is a classified elevation map of the earth’s surface. Separate classes of vegetation and other terrestrial objects. Geotiff or kmz formats;
-3D model. A textured georeferenced model of a terrain or object based on a dense point cloud.